
Like corporate culture, engineering culture is a shared set of behaviors, attitudes, values, and practices of engineers. They impact how your engineers act, make decisions, and how they feel.


Why we need this guide

As a company, we believe in the superiority of autonomous, purpose-driven teams. Working on software products in autonomous teams has certain requirements, and one of those is a culture of collaboration, trust and accountability. We know that we are on a never-ending quest to live up to our ideals. The better we understand what those ideals are and why we strive for them, the easier it will be to get there.

This guide should give you a pretty clear picture of how we want to work at celebrate - no matter if you have worked at celebrate for several years already, have recently joined or are interested in joining us. After reading, you should be able to answer the following question:

Is this in line with my beliefs and how I would like to work as a Software Engineer?

If the answer is "yes", you can rely on the support of the whole company with your continuous pursuit of growth. If the answer is "no", celebrate might not be the perfect place for you, and that's okay. No environment can satisfy the needs of everyone, and just because we have decided to work a certain way that differs from your beliefs does not mean either side is right or better.

The principles presented in this guide can also be helpful for finding your professional growth path at celebrate. Together with your lead, you can identify areas that you would like to focus on, and you can rest assured that there will be plenty of opportunities to increase your knowledge and develop your practical skills as a Software Engineer.

Culture cannot be created

We cannot simply "create" the engineering culture that we want1. A culture can be fostered, but it is like a living being that will constantly change and evolve. We can only gently guide its evolution into a desired direction by being role models for others and holding ourselves accountable for our actions.


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