We work collaboratively

Writing code should be a collaborative process by default, otherwise we would not need teams. Pair programming and mob programming are not only encouraged but expected to be practiced. Not every task might be fit for collaborative work, but a lot more than we might assume actually are.

Solving problems and writing code in groups not only increases confidence in the solutions created but also leads to overall better performance and enjoyment1.

We reduce the need for asynchronous Pull Requests and instead have the quickest possible feedback loop through writing code together. We apply Ship / Show / Ask2 in order to only use Pull Requests as a blocking gate for shipping something when necessary while still keeping code reviews as an integral part of sharing knowledge and receiving feedback.

Working together on a task should be the default.

1. Alistair Cockburn and Laurie Williams, The Costs and Benefits of Pair Programming, 2000
2. See "Ship / Show / Ask" in the "Technical Foundation" chapter

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