We are connected

As much as we need to listen to our customers, we also need to listen to what is happening in the industry. We keep in touch with experts and other companies to foster knowledge exchange and keep ourselves up to date.

We seek help

We do not need to solve every problem by ourselves every time. If we face something we have never done before or do not feel very confident with, we should look for experts that can help us take the right first steps. We will build the solution ourselves, but with the guidance we need.

We have a lot to share

Talking about how we work and what we learned is a great way to calibrate. Engaging with other Software Engineers will give us a more precise picture of how well we are doing and where others are maybe ahead of us. It is also an important pillar for finding new colleagues who share our values.

We must be aware that some of the things we do are way more interesting to others than we tend to believe. Meetups are an amazing way to share what we have learned already.

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