Ship / Show / Ask

Ship / Shop / Ask provides some guidelines to decide when it is actually necessary to wait for approvals on a Pull Request, when it is sufficient to open a Pull Request purely for informational purposes and when we can directly push changes into the main branch.

Visualisations taken from Martin Fowler's blog post.1


Do not open a Pull Request, push directly to the main branch instead.

simply push to main

For trivial changes that do not involve any kind of technical or architectural decision, there would be not a lot of value in showing it to others and even less in waiting for approvals before processing. This works best for codebases with high quality standards, as a high test coverage and tools like static code analysers can greatly reduce the risk of unintended side effects and slip ups.


Open a Pull Request, but merge directly after the build passes. Others can still review your changes and give feedback, but you are not blocked.

open a non-blocking pull request

This is great for a small(-ish) change that does not make fundamental changes to how the application is designed and how it works. It is valuable to share the change so others have a chance to see what you did and also how you did it.


Open a Pull Request and wait for approvals before merging.

open a blocking pull request

Changes that involve non-trivial technical decisions, architectural changes or that you are just not very confident about should lead to a blocking Pull Request.


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