We build Empowered Teams

To take pride and joy in the things we finish, we need to be able to shape our work and experience the value our results bring first-hand. We believe that Empowered Product Teams as described by Marty Cagan are the way to achieve exactly that.

According to Cagan, Empowered Product Teams build solutions that are valuable (customers benefit from them), viable (they meet the needs of the business), usable (customers understand and enjoy using them) and feasible (technical effort and long-term maintenance are in relation to the value). The teams shape and own the solution they build for a given problem and can therefore also be held accountable for their results.1

This is in line with the views of Daniel H. Pink2: we as a company cannot “create” motivation. People are motivated. Instead, we can only eliminate demotivators by creating an environment that gives clear purpose, autonomy and the means to achieve mastery.

This inherently creates an environment that is incompatible to people not finding value in purpose, autonomy or mastery.

1. Marty Cagan with Chris Jones, EMPOWERED: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products, Wiley, 2021, 9-10.
2. Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Riverhead Books, 2009, 85-146.

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